Can I Use Charcoal To Whiten My Teeth? Why You Shouldn’t (And Top Alternatives)

Charcoal is becoming very popular as a “natural” way to whiten your teeth. You’ve probably seen Amazon listings, Instagram ads, and lots of other promotions suggesting that charcoal is a better alternative to other “chemical whitening” methods. But is this really the case?

No. Charcoal is not a good option for whitening your teeth, and there are lots of other better alternatives. Read on for more information from Cornerstone Dentistry, and see why charcoal toothpaste should be avoided.

Charcoal Is Very Abrasive And Removes Surface Enamel – Choose Baking Soda Instead

You shouldn’t use charcoal to whiten your teeth because it’s very abrasive and can damage the outer surface of your teeth, the enamel. Charcoal is typically harder than enamel, so it will wear down the surface over time. This can result in changes to your appearance, a higher risk of tooth decay, and a lot of other issues.

However, not all abrasives are bad. Baking soda is a popular ingredient in whitening toothpaste. It’s gritty and abrasive, but softer than your enamel, so it will never damage your teeth. Instead, it will remove plaque buildup and gently buff away minor surface stains. If you want an abrasive toothpaste for teeth whitening, choose one with baking soda instead of charcoal.

Toothpaste With Chemical Whitening Is Also A Better Option Than Charcoal

Abrasives like baking soda are good for surface stains, but won’t always be enough to remove stains from things like drinking coffee. If you have some pesky, minor surface stains that won’t go away, we recommend using an ADA-approved toothpaste that contains peroxide as an active ingredient.
Peroxides like carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are used in professional whitening treatments. Using a toothpaste with a small amount of peroxide can slowly reverse and remove minor stains over time.

Teeth Bleaching From A Dentist Or With A DIY Kit Is Another Option For Tough Stains

If you have deeper stains on your teeth, using a toothpaste with peroxide may not be enough to whiten your smile completely. If this is the case, you have two primary options.

Contact Cornerstone Dentistry For A Cosmetic Consultation Today!

If you have stains on your teeth due to drinking coffee, tea, and wine, using tobacco, or just from aging and wear & tear, you can whiten your teeth safely and boost your confidence with professional teeth whitening at Cornerstone Dentistry from Dr. Keleigh Lascari.

To learn more about the process, see if teeth whitening is right for you, and explore your other options for cosmetic dentistry in Covington, just contact Cornerstone Dentistry online, or give us a call at (985) 869-8020. We’re always happy to see new patients.

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